Riverdale Artwalk August 20-Sept 3

I turned 65 yesterday, a milestone I’m told. I have a good life. I live in a neighbourhood where I feel connected and valued, I have three sons who are making their way in the world, I have good friends and family and I have some great nieces and nephews I get to watch as they grow and develop. And, I have a passion for painting that I have been able to develop in the last few years. I am lucky to have so many good things in life.

I would like to invite you to join me, to celebrate your own milestones and good fortune. See me in my Booth #39 (I think a number that is 3 x 13 is probably a lucky number) this Saturday and Sunday. I would like to share this passion of mine with you. You will also be able to see the work of 70 other artists who will be so happy to share their work with you. It has been a long time since we have been able to meet outdoors and present our work. Everyone is beyond excited to finally show what they have been working on, mostly in isolation.

I hope you are able to come and share in that joy, optimism and the beauty of an eclectic, talented group of creators.

Cherie Daly Art